Awaken To Money Series


💸 Awaken to Money is the step-by-step path on how you can change your external circumstances NOW by changing your relationship with money. You’ll learn how to build your own wealth plan and call in more money based on connection, not time.

💰 Let me tell you, even if you feel stressed about money or don’t know what to do, there IS a clear path and with support and guidance, you will uncover the hidden barriers that have been slowing down the financial expansion in your entire business and life. 

💵 Over the course of 3 powerful days, you'll discover the keys to building massive wealth no matter where you’re starting from (yes it’s ok if you have debt). You’ll also learn the real way to keep your money "safe" and how to truly become an energetic match for all that you desire.


 💴 By the end of Awaken to Money, you’ll walk away with a completely new relationship with money that is based on who you are now, not who you were back then. And you’ll have everything you need to create and SUSTAIN a quantum leap in your business and personal wealth plan.

  • Learn the most important things you should be focused on right now and how you can build a wealth plan from a place of FUN abundant infinite possibility, even while your business is still in growth mode.

  • Tackle the elephant in the room that keeps holding you back. Debt and guilt about not having gotten started sooner. Elizabeth is going to show you how she balances out time, money, and priorities and the secret that allowed her to retire at 39.

  • Walk away with your own custom daily money practice that combines 5D money consciousness and a 3D based action plan to call more money into your life.


If you’re feeling a part of you light up as you read this, that’s your intuition leading you to the next step in your money journey. Say YES to your soul’s desire to Awaken to Money. It’s your time. 


“(This program) has helped me realize that I need to tell my money where to go and what to do. I have to be intentional with it, or it will stay where it's at: static. It has gotten me so excited about my financial goals, and it has helped shift my belief that it is possible to achieve what I want. I feel way more knowledgeable and empowered.”

— Alexandra